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Feature - Candler Budget Bridal


Every mother dreams of the day she gets to take her daughter shopping for the wedding dress of her dreams. A beautiful boutique, perhaps a glass of champagne, excited smiles all around, and lots of hugs and happy tears. Candler Budget Bridal and Evelyn Bridal have worked together to make this dream a reality for every single bride. The two have had a long-lasting relationship that has expanded many seasons and many weddings.

The idea of Candler Budget Bridal was brought to life around 10 years ago when Candler’s owner, Miss Carol, took her daughter wedding dress shopping. What was supposed to be a mother's dream come true turned into a stressful memory when she and her daughter walked out of the shop distraught because they couldn’t find an affordable dress.

Miss Carol would then go on to change the North Carolina area bridal market for now and forever. She and her business partner, Miss Linda, were determined to make an effective change. “Carol’s dream was then to open a shop so all women could afford dresses,” says Candler’s Marketing Director, Crystal Pressley. Over 40 years of business together, Miss Carol and Miss Linda have accomplished that and more!

Pressley, who has represented Candler from the early days and publishes Carolina Spark, North Carolina Bridal and EOE (Equality over Everything) Magazine, says, “Women would tell Miss Carol their story and sometimes she would gift brides a dress that she would pay for out of her own pocket”.

Miss Carol made it her mission to help any bride who was looking to make that wedding day possible without the financial burden that can be incurred. In those times, Candler Bridal and Evelyn forged a similar bond in making beautiful wedding dresses affordable for all. “Evelyn Bridal helped us into designing dresses,” says Pressley. “We went public with $1000 dresses about 5-6 years ago and Evelyn Bridal helped us achieve our goals. Evelyn Bridal made sure that we could succeed”.

We have been fortunate enough to work together through many weddings seasons with Candler Budget Bridal. Nothing brings us more joy than ensuring our brides feel beautiful on their big day, and we are happy to join this amazing team in that same mission!

We can't thank you enough, Candler Budget Bridal, and it was great seeing you at the Atlanta Bridal Market!



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